Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
string multiply(string num1, string num2) { // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case. int n1 = num1.size(); int n2 = num2.size(); string A; A.resize(n1 + n2 + 1); for(int i = 0;i <= (n1+n2); ++i) A[i] = '0'; for(int i = n2 - 1;i >= 0; --i){ int carry = 0; int carry_sum = 0; int j = n1 - 1; for(;j >= 0; --j){ int prod = (num2[i] - '0')*(num1[j] - '0') + carry; int num = prod%10;carry = prod/10; int sum = num + (A[i + j + 2] - '0') + carry_sum; A[i + j + 2] = sum%10 +'0';carry_sum = sum/10; } int k = 0; carry = carry + carry_sum; while(carry != 0){ A[i + j + 2 + k] = carry % 10 + '0';carry = carry /10; --k; } } int pos = 0; while(A[pos] == '0') ++pos; if(pos == (n1+n2 + 1)) return "0"; string B; B.resize(n1 + n2 + 1 - pos); for(int i = pos;i < (n1+n2 + 1); ++i) B[i - pos] = A[i]; return B; }
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